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AEM ignition coil IGBT inductive "smart" coil


This is the same ignition coil as Mototron AEM "smart" ignition coil The type of ignition coil you use on the build when you usually run after-market ECU. When the VAG coils do not have enougt power you use this instead. The coil gives up to 103mJ and at least 40000V, which is in class with most CDI systems.

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£ 88.50
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Article no.: 30-2853

This is the same ignition coil as Mototron

AEM "smart" ignition coil The type of ignition coil you use on the build when you usually run after-market ECU. When the VAG coils do not have enougt power you use this instead. The coil gives up to 103mJ and at least 40000V, which is in class with most CDI systems. This is the first type of "smart" inductive ignition coils that provide a CDI-like spark with long spark duration necessary for overcharging.

AEM?s High-Output, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) ?Smart? Inductive Coils are designed for use on applications that do not have an external igniter.
AEM?s High-Output, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) ?Smart? Inductive Coils are designed for use on applications that do not have an external igniter.
AEM?s High-Output IGBT ?Smart? Inductive Coils each deliver up to 103mJ of spark energy and a minimum of 40,000 Volts?as much as most CDI systems but without the need for a CDI module! These coils provide very long spark duration at full energy, unlike CDI systems and multiple spark systems which fire off small spark events prior to and after its CDI burst to mimic longer spark duration. The full energy delivery and long duration of AEM?s High-Output IGBT ?Smart? Inductive Coils eliminate the need to compromise energy or duration with your ignition system, and will increase performance in high-boost or high compression engines.
AEM?s High-Output IGBT ?Smart? Inductive Coils deliver CDI-like spark energy with the long duration of an inductive coil. They install easily in place of your exiting coils and do not require a CDI module. AEM?s High-Output IGBT ?Smart? Inductive Coils have a shock and weatherproof design that allows them to be mounted virtually anywhere. And at a cost less than what you would pay for aftermarket LS1 coils?they deliver World-Class performance at a bargain. AEM?s High-Output Coils are used on 2,000-horsepower nitrous motors without a CDI, and they perform flawlessly.



Deliver CDI-like spark energy?No CDI Module needed!
Cost less than aftermarket LS1 coils
Can be mounted almost anywhere


Massive Spark Energy, up to 103 mJ!
Incredibly long spark duration, up to 2.9mS!
Up to 40kV Output Voltage, without using a CDI!
Weather and Shockproof design
Can be mounted directly to the Engine


Output (no load): 40kV minimum
Output (50pF load): 40kV +/- 10%
Output Energy: 103 mJ +/- 7%
Peak Secondary Current: 102 mA +/- 10%
Arc Duration: 2.9mS +/- 10%
Turns Ratio 71:1
Maximum Current: 19 Amps
Maximum Battery Voltage: 17 Volts
Base Dwell: 3.0 mS
Max Continuous Dwell: 9 mS but don’t exceed 40% duty cycle
Max Intermittent Dwell: 80% duty cycle, 5 seconds maximum
Mating Connector: Packard/Delphi 12162825 “Pull to Seat”
Mating Contacts: Packard/Delphi 12124075 “Pull to Seat”
High Tension Wire Terminal: HEI “spark plug top” Style


A: Coil Trigger (0-5V signal)
B: Coil Trigger (Ref Ground)
C: Ground to Cylinder Head
D: Battery Ground
E: Battery Positive (Relay or switched ignition)

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Johan• 2021-04-10

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